Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Modern Use of Illumination

When looking for a modern example of illumination I wasn't really sure where to look. I haven't seen any usage in any of the products or media use as a consumer. So Google became my friend this afternoon. Browsing Google Image Search I stumbled upon a beautiful art piece.

Hayat Gul, Pakistan/Canada/US. Al Mussawir, 2009, mirror, glass and mixed media on canvas. An example of a modern interpretation of calligraphy.

Going to the page linked to the image I came across Muslima: Muslim Women Art & Voices. The art posted on this brief page was breath-taking. I really enjoyed all of it. Following are a few of the pieces shown on the page.

Sana Naveed, Canada. The Maze of the Verses of Sincerity, 2010, Acrylic and soot ink on tea dyed paper. “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” Written in Kufic style, originally designed for a book cover of the tafsir (exegesis) of Surah Ikhlas or Chapter of Sincerity. An example of a fusion of classical calligraphy and a modern approach to ornamentation.
Elvira Bojadzic, Bosnia. From the Harf series I, 2000, acrylic on paper. A vivid, modern approach to calligraphy.
The pieces range from classical style to very modern and a few even blend the two. I cannot decide which is my favorite.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Word Play

Doing this assignment was interesting. I was unused to the Word List way of brainstorming. With some help from the class I was able to get a good wordlist going. The word list can be found here. Then upon sketching I also stumbled and was thinking too simply.

 After speaking with the instructor and the other students I was able to come up with some better ones.

 I ended up enjoying the magnetic pull idea the best and went through with it.

I used Candra font due to the slight weight change along the san serif font. I wanted the letters to be heavier on one end than the other so they would realistically "fall" the way I placed them. I then lengthened the letters as a shape to fill the space and make them more top heavy. I very much wanted a cartoon magnet so I created the U magnet instead of altering the U letter of the Candra font. The placement of the letters on top of the magnet is reminiscent of Wooly Willy's metal filings and how they react to the magnet.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Assignment #1

I didn't want to post the whole list of terms to my blog. It seemed clunky and gross so I used pastebin to just post a link to the whole list. Here is the list.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Post #2 Letter Form

I picked a letter form that was one from's decorative category, kitty face. I love font with personality. This one struck me because it was so cute and instantly gave me giggles. I picked the upper case over the lower case due to the face involved. The lowercase looked like the cat was looking away.

Post #1 About Me

So this is a blog for my typography class. I am not sure what to post here. I'm new to blogging. We also had to post a picture. Yay! I'm not one for posting online much so this will be very new and out of my usual comfort zone. Hopefully I'll be better once I am posting about other things besides myself. I like words, text, and writing, so maybe this class will show me new side of those thing I've not seen before.
I am going to school for a Bachelors of Fine Art, Graphic Design. I have been working on this four year degree for 5 years, this semester starts my 6th school year. With working towards this degree I have used Adobe to create my projects for class. (Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.) I would have to say Illustrator and InDesign are my favorite. InDesign for it's paragraph styles and Illustrator for just existing.
Outside interests include reading (mostly fiction/fantasy), video games (Nintendo is my fav) anime, and Lisa Frank. I will always love "nerdy/geeky" things I cannot hide it. Bright colorful things (also shiny things) will always attract my attention. And that's me.