Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Modern Use of Illumination

When looking for a modern example of illumination I wasn't really sure where to look. I haven't seen any usage in any of the products or media use as a consumer. So Google became my friend this afternoon. Browsing Google Image Search I stumbled upon a beautiful art piece.

Hayat Gul, Pakistan/Canada/US. Al Mussawir, 2009, mirror, glass and mixed media on canvas. An example of a modern interpretation of calligraphy.

Going to the page linked to the image I came across Muslima: Muslim Women Art & Voices. The art posted on this brief page was breath-taking. I really enjoyed all of it. Following are a few of the pieces shown on the page.

Sana Naveed, Canada. The Maze of the Verses of Sincerity, 2010, Acrylic and soot ink on tea dyed paper. “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” Written in Kufic style, originally designed for a book cover of the tafsir (exegesis) of Surah Ikhlas or Chapter of Sincerity. An example of a fusion of classical calligraphy and a modern approach to ornamentation.
Elvira Bojadzic, Bosnia. From the Harf series I, 2000, acrylic on paper. A vivid, modern approach to calligraphy.
The pieces range from classical style to very modern and a few even blend the two. I cannot decide which is my favorite.

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