Monday, October 20, 2014


"The clearest way into the Universe 

is through a forest wilderness." 

—John Muir

This assignment was a little difficult to get started until it was suggested during class that we look at E.E. Cummings. I googled some poems by him and went to images. I found this poem shaped with a hard obtuse angle on one side. I didn't even care what it was about I just really enjoyed the shape. I wanted to do something with geometry sorta to make a neat looking design like the E.E. Cummings one.

I then took my quote and put it on the page as is largest font where the whole quote would fit on the page. I worked with natural colors of brown and green at first to bring out the "forest wilderness" part of the quote. I also had the idea of large quote marks behind the text but I couldn't get it to look good. I then chose the font Desdemona and really fell in love with it. I started arranging the words into three sections, "The clearest way into", "the universe is through", and "a forest wilderness." Black and White looked nice but I added Purple, Orange/Gold, and White. The grouping of the words didn't work so well so I decided to put them in a path like through a forest to keep with the forest theme. I moved the words around and grouped a few to emphasize parts of the quote and made them different colors and opacities. I lined up some of the same letters and letter shapes to keep some parallelism going on. At the end I couldn't get the words to show well on the dark purple so I added a 2 pt stroke of the same color to show the word off better. I also turned down the opacity of the background color too. It turned out well I think.


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